SUMMER 2020: Any prices shown may be inaccurate due to fluctuating gold prices due to the COVID crisis. Please contact us for current prices. We apologize for this inconvenience.

MYTHOLOGICAL LADIES' RINGS → #220C514 Call 1‑800‑782‑0933

#   220C514
#220C514 22x18mm stone
Call for price in 14k gold
* Average 14k weight 15 Grams
Call for price in 18k gold, Call for price in 10k gold
Call for price in Silver
Shown with black onyx.
Shown with Engraving #514
Seated Sphinx.

#   220C514 Wax
Wax impression made by pressing the ring into hot sealing wax to better show engraving detail.

Three week delivery! Full money back guarantee. See our FAQ for details.

#220 Inside
Inside view of our ring #220.

Call for personal service or to place an order by phone at 1‑800‑782‑0933 or +1 212 719 4204

Three week delivery! Full money back guarantee. See our FAQ for details.

Heraldica's Mythological Ladies' Ring Collection
The original engraving was described in a museum catalog as: Roman intaglio - Black jasper ringstone - Seated sphinx in profile to the right. She has female breasts and recurving wings. Ground line. The type is familiar from the fifth to the fourth century coins of Chios. A seated or crouching sphinx is a common emblem on Roman coins and gems. The size of the original stone is 15mm. Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York.

Heraldica Imports, Inc.
2 West 46th Street Room 1208
New York, NY 10036 USA
Telephone +1 212 719 4204 or 1‑800‑782‑0933
Fax +1 212 719 4369

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