SUMMER 2020: Any prices shown may be inaccurate due to fluctuating gold prices due to the COVID crisis. Please contact us for current prices. We apologize for this inconvenience.

Suhr Family Crest or Suhr Coat of Arms

This Family Crest for Suhr was found on the Internet; No reference source was given.

Sometimes there is more than one family crest recorded for a one name. When this happens we have chosen to show the oldest one on record or the one that in our opinion makes a nicer engraving.

We are able to engrave this family crest for Suhr or any other one you may have. Just send it to us with your order, or let us know where to find it and that is what we would engrave for you on the ring of your choice.

Or, if you wish, we'll send you a proof of what your own crest would look like on the ring of your choice before you place your order! Just give us a call!

Please explore our web site, especially our popular Family Crest Rings for Ladies or Gentlemen. There are dozens of other rings, pendants, cuff links, etc. where we could engrave your family crest.

Money Back Guarantee! Also see our FAQ page.

#71 in silver for Suhr
Pendant #71G 32x28mm disc
Silver $600

#2 with Carnelian for Suhr
Ring #2 16x14mm stone
14k $2,500; 10k $2,000
18k $3,500; Silver $800

#18 for Suhr
Ring #18 20x17mm face
14k $2,500; 10k $2,000
18k $3,500; Silver $600

#23 for Suhr
Ring #23 17x15mm face
14k $2,250; 10k $1,800
18k $3,150; Silver $600

#1A with Black Onyx for Suhr
Ring #1A 17x15mm stone
14k $2,500; 10k $2,000
18k $3,500; Silver $800

Important: Click on any picture for a larger and clearer image of the engraving!

#87 with Green Onyx for Suhr
Pendant #87 24x20mm stone
14k $1,900; 10k $1,520
18k $2,660; Silver $800

#87G for Suhr
Pendant #87G 24x20mm face
14k $1,900; 10k $1,520
18k $2,660; Silver $600

#76 with Blue Onyx for Suhr
Pendant #76 22mm stone
14k $2,100; 10k $1,680
18k $2,940; Silver $800

When ordering a stone item please keep in mind that this is made to order work and that you may choose any combination of stone and setting.

#13 for Suhr
Ring #13 14x12mm face
14k $1,440; 10k $1,152
18k $2,016; Silver $600

#9 with Blood Stone for Suhr
Ring #9 16x14mm stone
14k $2,600; 10k $2,080
18k $3,640; Silver $800

#5 with Bicolor Agate for Suhr
Ring #5 14x12mm stone
14k $1,990; 10k $1,592
18k $2,786; Silver $800

#10 for Suhr
Ring #10 18x15mm face
14k $2,200; 10k $1,760
18k $3,080; Silver $600

Important: Click on any picture for a larger and clearer image of the engraving!

#69G for Suhr
Pendant #69G 25mm face
14k $1,700; 10k $1,360
18k $2,380; Silver $600

#42 Cuff Links for Suhr
Cuff Links #42 20x16mm discs face
14k $2,600; 10k $2,080
18k $3,640; Silver $600

One of our testimonials:

This morning an unexpected package arrived by FEDEX. I was most excited to see it was from you. However, I have been very worried that your workmanship would not meet my expectations, so I put off opening it. After a while, I could no longer wait. I found that my worrying was unnecessary! You have exceeded my expectations. It is beautiful.
The ring is shiny and clean. It fits well and is most comfortable. The graphics are clear and distinct. They are just as I had wanted and spaced perfectly. It is a work of art and you and your workers should be most proud of your abilities and craftsmanship. (Also, the relief was a nice unexpected surprise and it is just as clear as the ring itself.)
My credit card was charged appropriately and fairly and I look forward to telling everyone I know about you and your company.
Peace and Joy and Blessings to you and yours this Christmas Eve 2010 from The Rome of the Mid-West!

Matt W., Saint Louis, Missouri, USA; December 2010

Inside View
Our rings are high quality heavy solid gold rings. Above is an inside view of some of our rings

Heraldica Imports, Inc.
2 West 46th Street Room 1208
New York, NY 10036 USA
Telephone +1 212 719 4204 or 1‑800‑782‑0933
Fax +1 212 719 4369

Copyright © 2024 Heraldica Imports Inc. All rights reserved.

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